Jan 17
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on USA — Steve Carter
Stephen Carter, MA is the founder and chief executive of Stress Solutions, LLC, located in Ellicott City, Maryland, U.S.A. As a former chief of police and law enforcement trainer, he works extensively with those in public safety roles, victims of crime, people in medical crisis, and others dealing with trauma, chronic stress, and related conditions.
He is a blogger and frequent speaker on topics related to stress mastery, personal safety, and emotional well-being. He has been a featured presenter at numerous conferences, universities, corporations, government agencies, and other organizations.
Stephen holds advanced practitioner and trainer certifications in a variety of methods including Emotional Freedom Techniques, Thought Field Therapy, Trauma Tapping Technique, Hypnosis, and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).
Email: Email hidden - JavaScript required;
Website: http://www.EFT-MD.com;
Blog: http://StressMastery.blogspot.com;
Phone: 1-804-677-6772
Jan 17
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on USA — Steve Carter
Stephen Carter, MA is the founder and chief executive of Stress Solutions, LLC, located in Ellicott City, Maryland, U.S.A. As a former chief of police and law enforcement trainer, he works extensively with those in public safety roles, victims of crime, people in medical crisis, and others dealing with trauma, chronic stress, and related conditions.
He is a blogger and frequent speaker on topics related to stress mastery, personal safety, and emotional well-being. He has been a featured presenter at numerous conferences, universities, corporations, government agencies, and other organizations.
Stephen holds advanced practitioner and trainer certifications in a variety of methods including Emotional Freedom Techniques, Thought Field Therapy, Trauma Tapping Technique, Hypnosis, and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).
Email: Email hidden - JavaScript required;
Website: http://www.EFT-MD.com;
Blog: http://StressMastery.blogspot.com;
Phone: 1-804-677-6772
Jan 17
By gunilla
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on USA, CA – Kristin Miller
Kristin Miller, Ph.D., Psychologist, DCEP, TFT Humanitarian Trainer, TTT, Matrix Re- imprinting, EMDR Certified, Hypnotherapist Redding, California, United States
I have been a psychologist for over 30 years specializing in the treatment of developmental and inter-generational trauma and abuse, spiritual issues, health issues, pain, depression, anxiety, adjustment issues, and other mental health issues with the focus on helping all to build connected and joyful lives. With my children raised and launched into the world as beautifully healers, I have come out of the cocoon of my small community based practice. I am interested in bringing trauma relief to the world, but clearly my calling has been within the United States, working with TFT in the Veteran to Veteran Healing Project, ACEP (The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) in the Resource for Resilience Project and the Humanitarian Committee, and FREA (Freedom, Recovery, and Empowerment from abuse). I am delighted to be part of building web materials and trainings for these organizations and participating in trauma relief trainings all over the United States. Maybe someday I will actually get to leave the country and serve the world.
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Jan 17
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on USA, CA — Lorna Minewiser
Lorna Minewiser, PhD is a retired Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Certified Energy Health Practitioner, a Master EFT Trainer/Mentor/Practitioner, and certified TTT practitioner in Sacramento California. Lorna has been part of the Veteran Stress research project which treated US veterans with PTSD using EFT. She has been sharing TTT with Veterans in the Sacramento area and plans to create a program to share TTT in schools.
Website: www.coachminewiser.com
Email: Email hidden - JavaScript required
Phone: 1-916-204-5974 Text 1-704-743-6816
Jan 17
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on India — Debalina Chakraborty
I am a Clinical Psychologist and Hypnotherapist. I attended a workshop by Ulf Sandström on TTT in New Delhi in 2016.
Learning and using the TTT has been an amazing experience both personally and professionally. The most interesting and unique feature about TTT which I found was its effectiveness and how economical it is regarding time.
It is an efficient method of controlling anxiety in clients in my clinical practice and the way it helps clients to deal with their traumatic experiences is quite overwhelming. I have also found it extremely useful in treating clients who do not feel comfortable in discussing their problems but are surely affected by them.
I have not only been using the TTT but also have been teaching it to others.
I have lived in many cities across India like Siliguri, Kolkata, Raipur, Mumbai, Vadodara, etc. and traveled across the country. My journey continues…
You can contact me at:
Tel: +919167386260
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Dec 16
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Sweden — Rita Yvrin
Ljusdal: Certified Trauma Tapper, Certified Hypnotic Coach, Licensed Nurse, Acupuncturist, Qigong instructor.
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” Albert Schweitzer
The human´s inventions and arts to heal herself and others are truly remarkable and in many ways almost magical! Also what we can do for each other in order to heal from various sufferings is amazing! It can be
as simple as a gentle word or a soft smile. That too can have healing properties!
One of these highly effective arts is the Trauma Tapping Therapy with its roots in the Traditional Chinese Medicine system.
After learning the TTT I was sure it would be a very efficient system since I a decade ago learned pain relief techniques from Thought Field Therapy, PH.D Roger J Callahan. I also taught the TFT analgesic methods to many health care professionals. Both of these two systems are very closely
related. I came in contact with the system of TTT through Fredrik and Ulf. After that, I have been using it on several people and witnessing this magnificent therapy work in amazing ways.
The system is a simple yet such a very powerful tool to help people to get over the emotional part of their burdening, troublesome memories in a very short time span.
Website: www.cheerful.one
Email: Email hidden - JavaScript required
Oct 16
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on France — Florence Hennebel
As a coach in well-being techniques, TTT is at the heart of what I do, much like aromatherapy, relaxation, reflexology or meditation. TTT is a easy and efficient method to find inner peace.
I introduce TTT and train very different people on its benefits:
As part of stress releasing workshops in companies; with students who want to know more about well beings approaches; with nurses and carers; on a one to one basis for individuals in a state of severe trauma or intense stress.
There is something quite genius about TTT. I like to pass this knowledge onto others so they can appreciate it and be in charge of their own well being.
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Apr 15
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Sweden — Fredrik Praesto

Fredrik Praesto
Stockholm: Trauma Tapper, Hypnotist, NLP-master practitioner, NLP-trainer, Author, Lecturer, co-founder of International Hypnostists Guild, co-founder of Service of Placebo.
Working as a hypnotist I’ve found TTT to be a brilliant tool in my toolbox. I use it with a majority of my clients.
The first time I used TTT was in a challenging situation where my client didn’t speak my language. I wasn’t trained in TTT at that time but my friend Ulf Sandström had talked a lot about it. So I watched the instruction film om youtube and just tried it with my client who was suffering from a lot oft stress. I know now that I didn’t do it exactly right, but it worked so I decided to do the training.
One of the beauties with TTT is that it’s so easy to learn and yet so effective. I teach a lot of people to use it.
I have my office in Stockholm.
Email: Email hidden - JavaScript required
Site: www.praesto.com
Oct 14
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on France — Fanny Boone
Certified Trauma Tapper and co-founder of TTT France

I’m 40 and currently living in the north of France. I’m graduated in anthropo-sociology and have worked as a social project engineer since 2001. I travelled to India when i was young and I also lived few years in Hong-Kong, in London while studying and in Sevilla as a flamenco aficionada (fan), spending a while there trying to learn how to dance.
I studied reflexology at Central London School of Reflexology and got qualified in 2001. Later, I also passed the 2 first levels of Reiki Healing. Since 2013 i’m freelance in well-being in any type of situation. I believe in peace: inner peace and peace between people and i try to aim in that direction, whenever I work in the social field or with clients.
I came to know about TTT during the summer of 2014 when I met trauma tapper Etsamanga Piers and saw the beautiful technique she was using. She agreed to teach me and since then, I use it as much as needed. I have co-founded, with Isabelle Prugnaud and Caroline Cachein the french TTT association: l’association Francaise du TTT (tititit) le coeur en paix) with the Facebook link>>
With TTT I found a complementary technique, very useful for the clients (whether in groups or individually) to help relieving tensions as well as encourage them to keep doing it after a session at home. One of the main strengths of TTT is that you don’t need to talk things over. I consider this approach as a great useful tool of peace. I was very touched when i learned that the international network was called “Peaceful Heart” for it is exactly how i saw the technique at the first sight! I’m very happy to share it !!!
Fanny Boone
06 84 96 57 69
May 14
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Austria, France, Switzerland — Christiane Chris Pape

Christiane Chris Pape
Christiane Chris Pape
Hypnotherapist NGH, DVH
NLP Trainer, Coach Society of NLP
TTT Trainer
musician, composer
now in St Gingolph, France and Switzerland
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