Trauma tapping for first aid post traumatic stress treatment, header image

peaceful heart network

To ease suffering and prevent violence

Rwanda — Mukamurigo Veneranda (Murigo Vene)

KIGALI: Trauma Counsultant and Certified Trauma Tapper


Mukamurigo Veneranda was one of the first to get training in TTT by Dr Carl Johnson and Gunilla Hamne in 2007 in Kigali, Rwanda. She is now finishing her studies at the University of Hotel and Tourism. Being an orphan of the genocide in Rwanda 1994 she knows very well what trauma is and how the TTT can help to get out of the psychological problems that often follow such experiences.

” Without TTT I don´t know if I would be alive today”, she says.  From that insight she helps others who have gone through similar things in life by treating with and teaching TTT.

“This method is very good because you can help also those who have a lot of problems but do not want to talk about it.”

Mukamurigo Veneranda Email