Trauma tapping for first aid post traumatic stress treatment, header image

peaceful heart network

To ease suffering and prevent violence

Sweden — Isak Stoddard


UPPSALA: Educator, Engineer, Trauma Tapper

Isak Stoddard

Isak Stoddard

After taking several workshops on TTT with Gunilla Hamne and Albert Ntabwoba, I immediately started tapping friends, family and others who asked me. What was interesting to me was the very direct and visible effect that the treatment had on many of them, and that such a simple technique could help their bodies heal all sorts of earlier traumas.

I have since become even more interested in energy psychology and started studying various methods for healing trauma such as hypnotherapy, EFT, EMDR and Somatic Experiencing.

I recently returned from Bandung, Indonesia where I held a TTT workshop
together with hypnotherapist David Ardes. The workshop was organized in collaboration with the NGO *Kuncup Padang Ilalang* (“Fields of Wild Grass”) and attracted therapists, educators, social workers, students and community developers.

I’m amazed at our bodies inherent capacity to heal itself and looking
forward to a peaceful heart revolution!

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