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peaceful heart network

To ease suffering and prevent violence

Long Term Change


Are you ready to be part of a long term change?

Some people think there is no solution for the zones of poverty, conflict and post-war traumatized communities. These places are regarded as bottomless pits where there is no end to the needs. It is almost as if our minds are numbed and news of the ongoing pain and starvation is blanked out by the part of our brains that doesn’t want to accept this part of reality – to keep us sane. Surely, we ask ourselves – this must be somebody elses responsibility… right?

A good friend used to say: “Enjoy your priviliged life fully, and share what you can spare with those who have nothing or less!”

Peaceful Heart Network is one place where you can share any sum you want – and if you do this on a monthly basis it allows us to commit to specific projects where the sum is less relevant than the monthly commitment.

One example is Rose. She is a victim of Genocide violence and has HIV. Now she cannot walk anymore and there is no way for her to cook or get the extra protein she needs for her immune system to cope with the medications. A Radical improvement for her would be to have somebody buy food and cook for her – and once a month allow her to leave her house. Cost? 35 USD/month.

We can arrange so the sum arrives to her without one cent being deducted, but to arrange for a permanent help we need to know there will be some cash next month as well, make sense?

Regardless if you are a student, a single mother or a career comet, you can contribute to a better life for people like Rose – if you are prepared to do it monthly. Please enjoy your life. Rose would. Can you spare a dollar or so a month? She will appreciate it more than you believe is possible!

Thank you for your generosity!