Trauma tapping for first aid post traumatic stress treatment, header image

peaceful heart network

To ease suffering and prevent violence

Mumosho Trauma Center


Can you imagine the difference 1 035 USD can make in a community?

Mumosho is a community in South Kivu in the eastern part of DR Congo. In general, women are more or less considered a production unit: they should give birth to many children (and absolutely not only girls), take care of the house and serve the husband, cultivate the land and work elsewhere to earn money. The most stunning image are all the women walking deeply bent along the roads with loads on their backs weighing up to 80 kilos. Beside men walk leisurely. And above all there is an alarming degree of sexual violence. Read the full story here…

Peaceful Heart Network together with Amani Matabaro and his
organization ABFEK (Action for women and children in Kivu) want to  establish a Trauma Tapping Centre here.

The centre will start as a three month pilot project managed by the
nurse Esperance Mapendo and the teacher Noella Namegabe. To make the
centre and the Trauma Tapping Technique known for everybody in the
community we will have an opening ceremony and invite all local
leaders from the government,  churches, police, schools, military and
all who wants to come and learn about the activities.

The plan is to have the Trauma Centre open for treatments but also to
do trainings and outreach to other communities. We will keep a journal of the results so that we can initiate a study.

To make this project come true we need your help to cover the costs. As you will see the sums are small and our means very simple.

The budget is as follows:


All in all = 1 035 USD

This may seem like a small investment considering the big change it can create… but if we can’t raise it it might as well be Mount Everest…

Do You Care to join us in the healing of trauma in Eastern Congo – no sum is too small, right?