Christiane Chris Pape
Christiane Chris Pape
Hypnotherapist NGH, DVH
NLP Trainer, Coach Society of NLP
TTT Trainer
musician, composer
now in St Gingolph, France and Switzerland
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By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Austria, France, Switzerland — Christiane Chris Pape
Christiane Chris Pape
Christiane Chris Pape
Hypnotherapist NGH, DVH
NLP Trainer, Coach Society of NLP
TTT Trainer
musician, composer
now in St Gingolph, France and Switzerland
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By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Austria, France, Switzerland — Thomas Tom Oberbichler
Thomas Tom Oberbichler
I am an author, a writing and book coach, publisher, relaxation and brain training coach.
Joy and happiness are two wonderful states and feelings that keep increasing all the time, the more we share them! So I am delighted to share my experiences, all my skills and abilities with my books, trances, workshops, and coachings with others.
I love people and the universe we all are a part of. I know that true and sustainable success can be achieved only by interacting and cooperating with fellow human beings.
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Tel: +43/680/201 60 40
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Finland — Andrea Slotte-Vikström
Andrea Slotte-Vikström
Borgå, Finland
Mobil:+358 (0)40-8211870
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By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on India — Ambika Warrier
A teacher by profession, I also work as a hypnotherapist and a Trauma Tapper.
I learned about TTT during one of the conferences I attended in New Delhi, India. It is an amazing technique and has an added advantage that the person undergoing the therapy doesn´t need to speak about his problem. Also, the entire process does not require more than 30 minutes at the maximum with evident results at the end of the session.
Using TTT, I have been able to help grownups get rid of their emotional baggage and students come out of their anxiety. This has made them more self confident and also have a positive outlook towards life.
I use TTT and hypnosis as a combination and this has helped my clients a lot. I wish to spread this technique as much as possible so that all of us have a chance to get rid of our emotional baggage.
I practise in New Delhi and you can contact me at:
+91 98715 16454
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By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Sweden — Hasse Jonsson
Arbetar med kommunikation i min firma Communicare kommunikationsbyrå med bland annat utvecklingsarbete på organisations- och individnivå.
TTT är ett bra kompletterande verktyg i arbetet med personlig utveckling för enskilda.
Trauma Tapping Technique ger överraskande effekt och är en enkel varsam metod som värnar om människors integritet.
Hasse Jonsson
Post: Lantmilsgatan 32, 42137 V Frölunda
Kontor: Luntantugatan 3, Göteborg
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Sweden — Yvonne Kamb
Tel: +46708-330746
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By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Sweden — Andrea Holgersson
Jag driver ett eget center för holistisk hälsa, Shanticenter, i Enskede i Stockholm.
Arbetar förutom med TTT med kraniosakral terapi, taktil stimulering och aromaterapi. Håller även i barngymnastik för de yngsta, och chibollträning för vuxna.
Har tidigare varit verksam i kommunal skola och utvecklat rörelseverksamheter i grund- och särskola.
Flensvägen 37
12541 Älvsjö
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Email: Email hidden - JavaScript required
Tel: +46768-677587
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Sweden — Marcel Helvoort
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Sweden — Filip Da Cunha Meneses
Stockholm med omnejd, även Västerås, Örebro, Karlskoga under delar av året.
Milstensvägen 11
17462 Sundbyberg
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Tel: +4670-4091671
By nilsola
Filed Under Interantional Tappers | | Comments Off on Sweden — Gra Lenardt
Jag är verksam för det mesta i Stockholm.
Långholomsgatan 21, 3 tr
11733 Stockholm
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