You can download and print the information we find useful when teaching TTT in a number of languages. If the language you need isn’t represented here, let us know if you can translate and we will assist you, compile it and make it available here.
NOTE: All materials are copyright PHN unless otherwise stated – feel free to use them and help us by quoting as your source. You can also contribute here>>
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RESOLVING YESTERDAY – First Aid for Stress and Trauma With TTT
This is a pdf-collaborator-version of our book that sums up our experiences, the techniques, testimonials, the background, how to work with groups, the somatic poem, what to think about, related research, statistics from our trauma centers and much more. It is written for non-specialists and specialists alike. We do not charge for this version, but we are thankful if you care to contribute here>>
TTT Workshop Manual (14 pages)
When you are doing a workshop training a group of people in TTT for future certification you need to be a certified trauma tapper yourself. This is the instruction manual.
Non-specialist Workshop Manual (5 pages)
You can use the film to arrange a workshop in a school to train TTT without being certified. This is the material we recommend.
Self tapping instruction with Winky
A self-tapping instruction using Winky from the Self Help For Trauma film at (Thank you Daniel Timpe for translations).
Graphical Tapping Instruction (1 page)
A single page instruction with all tapping points for hand-out at trainings.
A visual instruction for TTT showing the 14 tapping points with an instruction on how to tap. By the Kenyan artist Benard Githogori in Nairobi.You may use it on your website, in your blog or print it as a postcard or poster. Read about the project here.
This is a visual instruction of all steps in the Trauma Tapping Technique. We print it for trainings and provide free for schools, community buildings or houses of worship. It can be printed the size of a business card as well. Download, print and spread.
This is a visual instruction of all steps in the Trauma Tapping Technique.We print it for trainings and provide free for schools, community buildings or houses of worship.